The “Male Logic” Fallacy

8 min readNov 8, 2019

Are men really “more logical” or is it just a century old hoax?

There is little to support the claim, that men are “guided by logic” but it seems, that as soon as society deemed being logical a desirable trait, it has been hogged by the physically stronger part of society. Were men, by stating that they are “more logical” simply adhering to the truth? Or maybe, it was just a case of a group in power forcefully imposing the idea, that they are superior? One might ask, well wasn’t it the male superiority, that made men the dominating gender? The answer to that question is no. In fact, it was the physical and psychological ability to inflict injury or death, that created male dominance and laid the foundations for an androcentric society.

That dominance then led to ascribing all favorable qualities to males and commanding, that from now on, all male emotions, instincts, and desires are to be called “logic”.

But how did they decide, that they like some traits better than others? By feeling awe and other positive emotions.

Let’s break down the male physical and psychological ability to inflict injury or death. Naturally, all humans are capable of killing or hurting other humans. This also extends to actions that may precede physical violence, like verbal abuse and insults. Both men and women are capable of violence, but it is statistically more frequent for males to inflict violence on other males, females, and children. The difference lies in hormones and brain structure. Men have fewer mirror neurons which enable empathy. It is easier to kill someone if one doesn’t feel what they are feeling. That makes up half of the psychological ability to inflict injury or death. The other half is just getting angry easily and deriving satisfaction from injuring others. That’s the gift from testosterone. The more testosterone flows through one’s veins, the more aggressive the male may get. If you removed all testosterone from a male body, no one would feel like going to war anymore. It’s almost like magic, except that it’s just biology. And the physical ability? That’s just muscle power, also thanks to mother Nature and our buddy testosterone. Now you know everything you need to know about why males have dominated the world. A threat of injury or death is the final winning argument in any debate. There is nothing easier than commanding: “I’m better” for those who wield the sword of testosterone.

Currently, about 90 percent of all convicted criminals are males. Men are more likely to commit so-called crimes of passion. These are acts of physical battery or murder, which result from being overtaken by strong emotions of love, jealousy, or hate. Emotions lie at the root of all human motivations. It is almost impossible to find a behavior, rooted solely in rational thinking. Still, it is pleasing for men to imagine that they have no emotions or are not guided by them. It is satisfying because being guided by logic is considered better than being guided by emotions. Yet, the choice in which satisfaction is the direct result of saying “I am more logical” is a choice based on emotions. Like a light searching amoeba, we humans, (men included) choose beliefs, that will make us feel pleasant emotions. The idea that men feel no joy, fear, anger, or love is just a silly lie.

Our emotions are only one part of the motivation puzzle. The other part is made of drives. Instincts, which, when satisfied cause us to feel good. When these instincts are frustrated, we feel angry and sad. We can “reverse engineer” male behaviors to identify what emotional drives were at the basis of their behavior. By observing males, we can identify these emotional urges that drive them. When we observe men, we soon find out that they tend to be driven by emotions a lot more frequently than women. It’s just that these emotions are usually fear or anger. Women tend to be culturally allowed to demonstrate and talk about emotions. Hence the stereotype that women are “guided by emotions”.

Throughout history, male drives have been covered up completely and male behaviors blamed on women. A case of “the face that sent a thousand ships to the sea” is just a case of “A man went to war because he wanted to have sex with a woman”. Of course, history teaches us to completely ignore male desire. Men are not guided by logic. That has never been the case in all of human history. Human history is merely a chronological list of wars and violence perpetrated by angry, greedy men. It is certainly not proof, that males act on behalf of logic.

The great lie about male logic isn’t just falsely claiming, that men are “led” by logic. It is claiming that sexual violence, physical abuse, stealing from others, or invading other countries, are not at all motivated by the desire to have sex, inflict violence, dominate others and acquire wealth, but are somehow, strangely, a product of logical thinking.

The selective blindness to the fact, that all these behaviors stem from primordial instincts, four basic drives, in this case, is the most hurtful part of the great lie. We must finally accept that these basic drives motivate in part or entirely, many if not all human behaviors and that logic has nothing to do with it. We must embrace the evidence, sitting right in front of our eyes, that men engage in criminal activity, which results in their death or arrest because that activity satisfies their primordial drives. The idea that all the people who engage in crime, do so because they are “monsters” or “deviants”, will have to be modified, with the growing percentage of the population now living behind bars.

There are four regulators of four male drives. Culture, religion, law, and marriage. Let’s start with the last one. In marriage, each man is bonded for life with an empathetic chaperone — a woman. Her ability to feel other people’s feelings, a result of a large number of mirror neurons in her brain, makes her statistically less able to inflict injury or death. This makes her also less able to instill fear in others, and her general power, as a member of society, is low. Women gravitate towards using their husbands as their delegate when the possibility of inflicting death or injury is needed as leverage or protection. For example, if some shady salesman appears at the door, and his attire and nonverbal communication suggest that he may have other reasons to visit the house, the woman may call on her husband to signify that there is a possibility of inflicting injury or death if the visiting individual were to become motivated by his instincts of violence, sex or acquisition. The simple mechanism of fear will then lead the suspicious individual to retract and look for a weaker victim to prey on. Her regulatory power is exercised on her husband, with demonstrations of everyday empathy and acts of compassion, elevating the male to a higher moral level. Now all that is about to become non-existent, as women are finding out, that demonstrating these highest qualities of character, granted to them by their biology, is making them vulnerable to abuse and prone to exploitation. Falling apart of family structures will eventually cause this regulatory power to dissolve, leaving men to fall back to their basic behavioral program.

Then we have religion. The almighty God, list of laws to prevent males from acting on their desires ad-infinitum which would lead to endless war, conflict, and chaos, and the fear of Hell. Quite ingenious to have all of that in one book, and has proven to be a good regulator of human behavior. The extent to which men have feared hell and admired God and how it kept their primordial desires in check, will be known only when all religion falls apart. And then we have culture and law. Now it seems that global culture in its race to appease the masses has lost all regulatory power, leaving the law to regulate all four male drives with punishment. That’s a lot of pressure — the load usually carried by four regulators is placed on only one of them.

Four basic drives crystallize when observing male behaviors, of even the gentlest individuals. These are the drive to have sex (not to procreate), the drive to destroy and/or inflict violence (for satisfaction purposes only) the drive to dominate (this includes competing with others) and the drive to acquire (wealth, objects, cars, land etc.) Of course these drives do not constitute the male psychological make-up in its entirety. These are just typical drives that permeate through male behaviors, giving them direction, making them sometimes seem erratic, while society is being coerced to view these drives as “male logic”. This shift of “this man raped a woman because he was logical” is rather a violation of logic, a mass delusion, a lack of understanding what logic really is and what function it carries in human thinking. The physical advantage of men, helped this delusion come into being, to allow them to satisfy these drives in plain sight. This delusion also gave men permission to react with fear and anger at the danger of frustrating these drives. It is clear to anyone who has a pair of eyes, that the escalation of these four drives, caused by the collapse of regulatory mechanisms, is the sole reason for the dire situation we are currently in, collectively, as a species. It is difficult to imagine, what regulatory mechanisms could be put in place, to curb these male drives and avert a societal collapse.

Now, it would never occur to a woman to hurt or beat up the man they are sexually attracted to, but it turns out that for men it’s not at all that “illogical”. The collusion and interchangeability of the two drives is something easily observed in society. A man may be sexually attracted to a woman and end up murdering her. Most cases of stalking in the US end with the stalker murdering his victim. Now, it does happen, that a man stalks another man, or a woman stalks a man. However, in the majority of cases the stalker is male and his victim a female, and the reason for stalking is his sexual interest.

The interaction of these four male drives and their interchangeability, is the only construct, which simply and effectively explains male behavior. The drive to dominate, explains mansplaining, claiming women’s work or ideas, the hierarchic structures in society and the emotional dedication to sports and competitions. The drive to acquire and the drive to dominate have a sexual connotation, and act as a substitute to sexually frustrated males. The drive to destroy and inflict violence explains domestic abuse, murder and battery. War is an event, where the drive to dominate, the drive to destroy and the drive to acquire come together in an emotional charge, fueling the actions of political leaders. These drives guide men in all situations and in all socioeconomic groups. Many men seem to be oblivious to these drives and like to simply deny that they exist. We have been wrong all along in agreeing, that there is a uniform male-female psychology. We must observe these drives and analyze men as a group of individuals who are guided by an entirely different psychological structure.

Check out my book “The Male Logic Fallacy” here: or on amazon:




Mom, writer, enterpreneur, master's degree in clinical psychology